N S S College of Engineering, Palakkad is one of the most
reputed, premier engineering educational institution in Kerala
affiliated to APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University. It was
established in 1960 under the leadership of late Bharatha Kesari
Mannathu Padmanabhan. The college's dynamic alumni association
involves actively on development and welfare of the college. The
alumni association has chapters spread across the globe .

NECAB, Bangalore chapter of NSSCE Alumni Association is organizing their get together celebration "Samaagamam" on April 9th 2023. This year's attraction would be the musical night by renowned Singer Harish Sivaramakrishnan (Agam Fame) and Team, and Drama by our own NECAB Theatre directed by Prakash Bare and V K Prakash.
Contact : 9019855807 || 9731612329 || 9738675965